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How to Start Affiliate Marketing?

Before you start affiliate marketing, make sure you have understood it correctly. When you understood affiliate marketing in a proper manner, it will help you to give a good start with affiliate marketing. 

In this article, we’ll cover the steps to start affiliate marketing. Read on and learn more about Affiliate Marketing.

Understand Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing means promoting other people’s products in return for a small commission for each sale.  In other words, you promote any company’s product and when a customer buys the product that company will give you some commission, this is affiliate marketing is. 

Affiliates promote a company’s product via link or banner given by the company and affiliates use the link or banner on their blog or website pages that redirect customers to the company’s platform. For example, you’ve probably seen the heading marked “affiliate link” or “sponsored post” on many of the websites you visit; or maybe you’ve already taken the first step to sign up to an affiliate network.

How to Start Affiliate Marketing (As an Affiliate Marketer)

Follow the instructions to start affiliate marketing as an affiliate marketer.

Step 1: Choose the Right Platform for Affiliate Marketing

For affiliate marketing, you need to have one platform that holds a good amount of visitors.  There are various platforms from where you can do affiliate marketing such as Social Media, Websites, Blogs, and Email lists. These are the top sources for affiliate marketing. Here, we will take the example of Blog and Website page. And except for the first step, all the rest steps are the same for all sources of affiliate marketing.

When you have a blog or a website that holds a good amount of visitors, you can start affiliate marketing. Most of the companies that run an affiliate program only approve you as an affiliate if you have a blog or a website. This is because blogs and websites contain more visitors and give some assurance that you’re not a spammer.

Step 2: Join the Best Affiliate Program 

There are various affiliate programs available online, but you need to be clear while choosing an affiliate program. First of all, make sure you choose a trustworthy affiliate program so that there would be no chance of risk for consumers.  A well-known brand or platform like Mind Insider will be the best affiliate program for you.

Choose the affiliate program that provides you high pay commission and enough cookie duration on each sale like Mind Insider that offers 180-day cookie duration. If you want, you can do Google for more option affiliate programs. Once you find the ideal affiliate program, go ahead and fill the application to join affiliate program. And once you get approval, you can go ahead and can choose the right product for your audience. 

Some best affiliate program 

  • Mind Insider
  • Amazon
  • eBay
  • Elementor
  • TripAdvisor
  • SEMRush
  • AWeber
  • Fiverr
  • Bluehost
  • Pabbly
  • Invoice Ninja
  • BigCommerce
  • Sendinblue
  • Shopify
  • Wix

Step 3: Choose the Right Affiliate Products

With affiliate products, you promote products and services to the online users and that may cause lots of benefits and sometimes harms as well, and that’s why we always recommend choosing the right affiliate product for your audience.  

Choosing right affiliate products means that you choose the products according to the requirement of visitors that comes on your page. However, it doesn’t mean that you get personal with to know their requirement, it just observing. For example, you’ve massive amount of visitors on your blog page, and half of the visitors are from software developer, then a cybersecurity product or software development product can be helpful for them.

Before you recommend any products on your blog page, make sure that you completely check the product’s usage and pros and cons, reviews.  Doing so will build trust in your customers for a long time.

Here’re a few ways to choose the right products for promoting on your blog:

Refer products with a money-back guarantee so that your reader may get their money back if they make a mistake and buy something they don’t want.

Join an affiliate network like Mind Insider and look for well-known products in your niche.

Now that you have a clearer idea of the types of things you want to advertise, the next step is to sign up as an affiliate for those products and obtain your affiliate link.

Step 4: Target the Right Audience 

To generate affiliate sales, ensure that you’re targeting the right audience who actually wants to try out the products or services you recommend. But, it may get a bit difficult to determine if your blog is driving the right traffic and understand its intention. Fortunately, Google is the answer to this. Google is the #1 traffic source that brings traffic to your blog.

There are 4 types of user intents: 

  1. Navigational intent: Users are looking for a specific website. They simply want to find the website they’re looking for.
  2. Intent to learn: Users desire to learn the solutions to their pressing questions.
  3. Investigational intent: Users are looking for information that could lead to a transaction.
  4. Transactional intent: Users are ready to make a purchase or obtain a free download.


You’re more likely to make affiliate sales from your blog if the search engine traffic you drive has an investigational intent.

You might wish to rank your blog for investigational keywords as an affiliate marketer. When a potential customer isn’t ready to buy a product, they employ exploratory keywords. Before making a final purchase decision, they want to compare items and look for reviews and recommendations.

The following are some of the terms you’ll frequently encounter in investigative keywords:

  • Best
  • Review
  • Compare
  • Alternative

If your site ranks for keywords that include these phrases, you’re most likely attracting the right audience.

Step 5: Start Promoting Products within the Content

Once you have successfully followed all the above steps, you can start linking products to your blog or a website page. 

As we said already that your blog page needs to have a good amount of visitors only then you can create affiliate sales.  Blog content should be detailed and unique and affiliates should be an integral part of that content.

Doing so will give you benefit from the initial promotion, and then all the long-term traffic that comes from your blog’s Google rankings. Remember that you never ask your customers to buy the product; you just gently recommend this or that product as being a good choice for that particular part of the process.

Finally, as soon as someone likes the product you recommend and they buy, your affiliate sales will start and soon you will start getting your commission.

How to Start Affiliate Marketing (As an Affiliate Merchants)

If you want to become an affiliate merchant, then you will have to create affiliate marketing programs. You will be selling your product with the help of affiliates. This can be done in 4 easy steps. Keep in mind that these are not easy, but many people have already achieved it.

  1. Come up with a Product Idea
  2. Validate Your Product Idea
  3. Create Your Product
  4. Become Part of an Affiliate Network

Come up with a Product Idea

This is the very initial step in becoming an affiliate merchant. Here,  you need to have an idea about the product. However, an idea does not have to be completely original, you can innovate from something that already exists.

Think of how to make a product you are already using better. This should be within the field of your own interest.  However, do not get too attached to your idea. Flexibility is important to stay flexible to make sure that you can adapt to what consumers want out of your product.

And when you find the ideal product idea, you can go ahead.

Validate Your Product Idea

In this step, you have to evaluate your product idea. It means ensuring that your product will actually create sales or not.  However, it won’t be so easy to validate your product idea from the targeted audience.  When you validate your idea, make sure you choose the audience that is directly related to the product only then they can answer the true one.  You can ask your friends or strangers on various social media. 

As you will reach people you will get feedback about your product idea. It’s possible in the first attempt you would get negative feedback more than positive, but it is ok. You can evaluate what user wants and the basis of negative feedbacks and what are the drawbacks of the product and see if you can improve it.

Once you improve the product idea, see it to the same and other audience and see that this time you would get a better and positive response. If you get a suitable amount of positive feedbacks, let’s say, you showed your product to 50 people and 20 people liked it, I think that’s quite enough for you. You can not start creating your product. 

Create Your Product

Whatever your idea is, your idea should be wisely converted into reality. If you’re creating some digital products, make sure to gather all the information about digital products and the product should be created in a proper manner and supervision.

Become Part of an Affiliate Network

The final step- here you need to set up an affiliate program. With tools like Gumroad or Digital Product Deliver, you can easily set up affiliate program partners and allow them to collect commissions.

Now, you need to search for and reach out to other merchants who have enough following within your product’s niche to promote it. 

Depending on how niche your product is, the easier it will be to pitch to other merchants. 

Start by trying to get at least one partner first, you can work out the commissions and details later. Just make sure you get started.

Benefits to Joining the Mind Insider Affiliate Program

Explore the various benefits of joining the Mind Insider’s Affiliate program.

High-Pay Commission

In the Mind Insider’s Affiliate Program, you can earn 20% to 80% commission on each sale. Your commission percentage depends on the product & sales generated each month. Also, the higher your performance through the program, the more incentive you will get. Mind Insider uses industry-leading 180-day cookie duration, so you will receive credit for up to three months for the referrals you generate. Also, there are no obligations or minimum commitments to join the program.

Expert’s Strategy for Growth

Mind insider work with the industry-leading experts in Affiliate marketing and these experts provides unique strategies to help you grow, increase your website’s visibility, and drive more sales. 

Best tracking platform for tracking sales, commission earned and more

Mind Insider’s affiliate dashboard offers a comprehensive look at your clicks, sales, trials, and commissions. We always track you everywhere so that you can view your earnings, track performance, and get paid at the same time every month.

Committed Affiliate Management 

After you get the successful approval for affiliate marketing via Mind Insider, you will have direct access to our affiliate experts who listen to you and understand your business needs and your goals. Our committed team of experts maximizes your commissions and earnings per pick.  Mind Insider provides 1-on-1 support via calls and emails, quarterly affiliate contests, and our latest product updates.

Easy Promotion

At MI, in your dashboard, you will easily access to our pre-made text links, banners, and content. Promote Mind Insider anywhere on your site or blog page by simply inserting our affiliate links on your pages.

Join The Mind Insider Affiliate Program

The affiliate marketing strategy also tells you to choose best affiliate program or choose an affiliate program that offers high commission on each referral and other benefits such as enough referrals period, tracking tool, and management assistance. Mind Insider’s Affiliate Program (MI) provides best benefits of affiliate marketing so that users stay motivated with Mind Insider affiliate program.

If you’re looking to earn money online or want to start your business, we encourage you to apply for the Mind Insider affiliate program. Our team will carefully review your application. Once approved, you will receive access to support, tracking, management, reporting payment, and have your own unique affiliate links to track every referral you generate. Our aim is to bring success to our affiliate partners.

As we already mentioned in this article that some affiliate programs may ask you for some money to join their affiliate program. Make sure you do not join these kinds of affiliate programs that seek money. But, at Mind Insider, there is not a single penny that will cost you to join the Mind Insider affiliate program. Therefore, without wasting time, fill the application to get started with your earning 20% to 80% commission on MI products.

MI deals in different categories and products and that will benefit you. If you deal in multiple category products you can reach a lot of visitors globally and can increase your commission. Mind Insider deals in deals computer software products, gaming products, cybersecurity products, music streaming services, storage services, and a lot more.

How to become an Affiliate for Mind Insider

You can join Mind Insider’s affiliate program in minutes. We include the simplest procedure for users to get connected with so soon.  Here’s you can see how you can join us today!

To become an affiliate for Mind Insider, visit  and click on the button that says “Join Now as Affiliate”, fill few questions in the application, and wait for its approval. Our team will verify your account and will get back to you in 48 hours

Once you get approved, the team will forward you the banners, logo, and affiliate links for your advertisement. 

Trustworthy MI Products

For successful affiliate marketing, a trustworthy product recommendation is important.  Our every product is certified and analyzed by experts and used by thousands of users worldwide. We have millions of friends over social media and other pages and they have highly rated Mind Insider’s product with good reviews. You can check Mind Insider’s product and company reviews at different review sites such as Glassdoor.

We love to live in a technological world and therefore our products are top and high rated by the users for technical assistance. Our products are perfectly designed to make the most of your needs and enjoyment.

Affiliate Marketing Conclusion

There are two ways to connect with affiliate marketing- Affiliates Marketer or Affiliate Merchant.  Both are the things that help you to increase your earnings but becoming an affiliate merchant is like creating a new venture. However, if you want to start affiliate marketing, make sure to have proper knowledge about affiliate marketing and what are the best affiliate programs you can get online.  Although there are many other factors that we have covered in this article, make sure you have a look at them before starting affiliate marketing.


  • affiliate marketing
  • Affiliate Marketer
  • Affiliate Merchant
  • affiliate program 
  • Best Affiliate Program 
  • Affiliate Products
  • affiliate network
  • Understand Affiliate Marketing?
  • steps to start affiliate marketing
  • How to Start Affiliate Marketing (As an Affiliate Marketer)
  • How to Start Affiliate Marketing (As an Affiliate Merchants)
  • Benefits to Joining the Mind Insider Affiliate Program
  • Join The Mind Insider Affiliate Program
  • How to become an Affiliate for Mind Insider

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