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What is PPC?

PPC is like paid advertising that increases traffic and conversions on Google and whenever anyone clicks on the ads, a specified bid amount will be deducted from your account.  PPC and SEO are two different advertising techniques, here you can learn what PPC is exactly, how it works and what is the difference between PPC and SEO.

What is PPC?

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click Advertising, is a digital marketing channel that businesses use to drive traffic and conversions from search engines.  PPC is a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically. 

See how PPC ads appear on Google search engine page

Every time this ad is clicked, sending visitors to our website, you have to pay the search engine a small fee. When PPC is working correctly, the fee is trivial, because the visit is worth more than what you pay for it. For example, if you pay $3 for a click, but the click results in $300, then you’ve made a hefty profit.

Businesses use PPC to drive traffic, sales, or inquiries from their target audience. Common PPC platforms allow an outstanding depth of targeting, meaning that you can server ads in front of those only who you deem to fit your customer demographic.

Additionally, PPC help to target the users globally. And it helps business to reach their audience at a time when they’re looking for a business like yours while gaining data insights to help you improve the efficiency of the channel over time.

How Does Pay-Per-Click Advertising Work?

PPC covers a number of channel ad platforms, with the most common of these being Google Ads and Bing Ads. And within each of these platforms are different ad formats, including search ads, shopping ads, display ads, video ads, and Gmail ads.

Most businesses run PPC mostly on Google to reach the largest audience, but regardless of the platform and ad format, the way that PPC works remain largely unchanged, and it is a pretty simple process:

First of all, you have to sign up for an ad advertising account with the platform.

Create ads and make sure to select the right targeting by adding keywords or audiences, etc.

Next, you need to specify the maximum cost or bid you’re willing to pay for each click.

Now, your ad goes into an auction with other competitors who are bidding on the same keywords.

The auction determines the order in which the ads are shown and you pay when someone clicks your ad.

How much an advertiser has to pay for a click?

CPC is influenced by many factors, including Ad Rank, but it isn’t the only one. We can comprehend the fee that an advertiser pays to appear in their position if we consider the following:

Cost Per Click = Ad Rank of the advertiser below/Quality Score + $0.01

Why use PPC?

There are various advertising strategies and tools but considering PPC only as a marketing channel for your business, you surely would like to know the benefits of PPC and why you should invest your budget here not elsewhere.

Watch out for some of the most common reasons why PPC could be the right advertising channel for you:

For advertising, you need to create your account and get approval from the advertising platform. This may take day or two to get approved, but with the PPC , you can create your account and get approval in a few hours.  Additionally, with PPC you will start receiving clicks very quickly. 

In comparison to other channels such as SEO, PPC allows you to start seeing returns very quickly; and this is absolutely one of the reasons why it is so popular with marketers.

If you use PPC, you will be able to easily measure and track the returns from the platform. This means that you can use data and insights to effectively refine the efficiency and performance of a campaign over time to increase the ROI of the channel.

If you want to control advertising, the PPC is best. With PPC, you are in full control of when your ads run and you can easily turn ads on and off as you wish; although remember that a strong-performing campaign is always recommended to be used to drive wider business growth and not be used as a step-start tactic. Also, you would have full control over how much you spend each day (or month) and how much you pay per click.

Another amazing benefit of using PPC is allowing businesses to target the exact customer based on your data. Additionally, users can also adjust bids based on devices used, the time of day, and location. If you know your customer well and how they search, you can use these insights to reduce wasted advertising spending.


PPC and SEO both are very popular advertising channels that help businesses to drive traffic from search engines.  And while there is no denying that they both involve appearing on, and getting clicks from, search engines, they are two very different channels.

Here you can see:

PPC involves paying per click and SEO refers to (Organic search) clicks are free.

You can start to drive traffic with PPC from the search engines very quickly, whereas it can take time to rank organically.

But comparing these two channels doesn’t make any sense, because they are both parts of a much wider digital marketing mix, and the two should work together effectively to drive success online.

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